Fannibals' Reviews/Buzz on Social Media

Sung Jin Hong and One World Symphony would like to thank all the Fannibals for sharing their passion and creativity on social media.

"Never wanted to go to the opera so much." – Charlotte Katherine ‏@charlotte_kath

"I spoke with Sung Jin Hong after the program — he was very generous with his time, hugging all of the Hannibal fans...I loved that Hannibal’s part was sung by a countertenor [a male singer with the range of a female contralto to mezzo-soprano], which was very unexpected. The singer’s work accessed something raw, wounded, and spellbinding. It was restrained yet unrestrained. The choice of a countertenor opened the world of the character’s inner conflicts, and laid bare some unexpected complexities." - oh-dr-lecter

"Can someone please bring the #hannibal opera to downtown LA" – serina SaveHannibal @swtlitlangel88

"I greatly enjoyed the Hannibal opera last night. I thought I’d share the program notes for anyone who couldn’t make it! Two things really stuck out to me. First, the “Hannibal Rising” portion of the opera was almost entirely wordless, except for the spirit of Mischa repeating Hannibal’s name from time to time. The piece was beautiful and very interesting, and really captured the flavor of controlled mayhem of Hannibal Before Will Graham." – confusedkayt >>

"I would say he should go on a world wide tour with that ♡ I would looove to see it ♡" – Kiku Sano [INT] @KikuSano

"Just got back from seeing One World Symphony’s Hannibal Opera. AMAZING!!! Hannibal was played by an absolutely beautiful countertenor and the orchestra and all the other vocalists were superb. Good stuff." – Bread To Your Toast >>

"things i am currently considering: buying tickets to the hannibal opera & swimming across the ocean to see it" – murder husbands @nemuri_nanagou

"Me gasping when they reenacted Mizumono. Hannibal stroking Will’s face and me dying. I really think Bryan Fuller (creator of NBC's Hannibal) would’ve loved this. For me, having such things that I think about and have obsessed over for years performed live was quite a unique and wonderful and super weird experience. I hope the performers didn’t mind my out of control facial expressions too much, as we were in the front, like feet away from them. – revnickie >>

"it sounds absolutely amazing! I hope there'll be video, or at least clips of the show posted. That'd be wonderful!" –Candice @d0wninunderland

To Bryan Fuller: "You would've been proud!" – Jess Spookwin ‏@thejessgoodwin Oct 25


"YES We are getting a recording of the Hannibal Opera!" – existing characters die horribly

"IT GAVE ME CHILLS. IT'S SO PERFECT" – vee from the sun

"AAAH YES! I was in love with this opera! It was very intense and weird and ostentatious and exactly what a Hannibal opera should be. Cannot wait to relieve it!" – revnickie 

"So this is something I need in my life like right now. Hannibal Opera World Premiere Recording Trailer" – Yo who da f is this? @stopthatgirl7

"OMG YESSSSS *grabby hands*" – joudama

"Dear God this sounds SO GREAT. Can’t wait to hear the reports." – WintryMix 

"Bottom line though, I just find it so brave & adorable that this thing even happened. The program is full of these passionate, insightful notes about how they tried to express the themes of this show in symphonic form, and before it got underway, Sung Jin Hong said earnestly: 'We look forward to meeting and talking with you all immediately afterward. I’ll be at the door, where I hope to hug many Fannibals.'" – wellntruly

Oh my gosh what a fantastic review! (by Very Nerdy Curly) I was so lucky to be there. Do click through to read this and see another amazing pic of opera! Hannibal. – revnickie

"I was lucky enough to go to the Hannibal opera in NYC last night! One night only, October 25, 2015. I felt that the intrinsic drama of the show meshed with the format in unexpected, strange, and cool ways. Even when I was watching it I knew it would defy description." – fuckyeahhannigram

"It was like, hey I’ve thought about these moments forever and here they are happening, this is both the most ridiculous cosplay ever and this is A+ amazing." – the-winnowing-wind

To Bryan Fuller: I went! It was so good! I got emotional. – Jackie Burke @OfficerTwerk

"This was a pretty shippy ("romantic") experience let me tell you." – darkdreamsofhannigram

I tried to convince him to take some video of it, def audio I think to come!!! But really HANNIBAL’S SKULK MAKES IT INCREDIBLE, SO I HOPE YOU ALL GET TO EXPERIENCE IT. – granpappy-winchester

#HannibalOpera was brilliant. Haunting & inspired. Sung Jin Hong gave hugs out to #fannibals after it was over. – Angela Dawn @awdunford

That was absolutely gorgeous. Will have to keep an ear open for Sung Jin Hong and #oneworldsymphony in the future! #HannibalOpera – Meghan ‏@herebemeghan Oct 25

"wow! i can’t wait for the recording. hope you keep us updated. sounds like an amazing experience." - doctordonnasupertemp

"IT SOUNDS AMAZING! Very jelly, but so pleased it went well!" - itsybitsylemonsqueezy

I do hope there’ll be a recording, Hannibal is perfect opera material. Also, I am always here for modern works for countertenor."" - runecestershire


"EAGERLY ANTICIPATING YOUR WRITEUP OF HANNIBAL THE OPERA I know you'll bring the good and accurate stuff! A hypnotic feel! Omnisexual/genderqueer hannibal! MUDER HUSBAND DUEEETTTSSSSS" - spaceport

"This nerd is waiting with bated breath; I cannot believe this is a real thing. What a time to be alive." – memory-for-trifles

"wooooooow" - raywater

"OH MY GOD WHY CAN’T I LIVE IN NYC" - jackhawksmoor

"I really need to see a recording of this!" - hannibalhasmyheartinhand

"Do you know if they are gonna upload clips or something? Because this all sounds amazing." - color-divisor

"They did the Mizumono face touching/hugging thing! Strange and amazing experience." – darkdreamsofhannigram

"Ok I am totally going to this. I love NYC, opera, and creepy music. What sold me is the very unexpected idea of Hannibal played by a countertenor - a man with a feminine voice." – mysteriousmayonnaise

"Hannibal Concert: DONE! The One World Symphony killed (and then ate) the crap out of it! Way to keep the bass real" – Patricia Cardona @Queerfloete



Sunday, October 25 at 8:00 pm
Holy Apostles Church

New Girls Bachelor for HASKGames of Thrones Hannibal